If you have problem having Microsoft Surface products having screen started to show lines and flickering even in UEFI mode after the tablet started to warm or heated up during operation then i have a permanent DIY solution for you. Do this if you're technically handy or in desparate situation if warranty can't cover it. The aim now is to keep the heat from the board away from heating the back of LCD display panel which causes the mentioned problem. By the way, new screen replacement won't solve problem in long term; my GO 3 now on new screen but still had it.
Instruction: Go find some Youtube video on how to peel off the screen away from the bezel. Once peeled and dangled just ribbon cable still attached at the back, go try a simple experiment by turning on the device while the screen panel located away from the case to make sure the back heat doesn't reach it. If you're able to run the device without screen flickering and lines pop-up after turned on half an hours while the device warms and heats build up then you get the idea how to save the screen panel. So the idea is to keep the screen away from the heat and
vent the heat out. If you follow my suggested ideas i bought a special rubber case with thick bezel designed to protect the device. So i put the screen way above the top bezel to give distance from the heat source only supported by thick spongy double tape to attached the screen back to the case while allow some gap to provide distance allow hot air to flow out from the device between the case and the screen. If you don't have protective rubber case for leveraging the gap distance you can use thicker double tape stickies to attached back the screen as pillar support while able to create gaps to allow hot air to exit and cool off the back of the screen. I owned PRO 4 and GO 3 and all went well with this fixes for months now. However on the Cons side, the front camera hole will have narrow field of view if you're doing face to face video capture. That all it takes to keep our over priced Windows portable device running without spewing money on replacement. Enjoy!