As promised before i've finally release these rare (unofficial) limited edition pair Max & Milia Jenius's VF-4DX LIGHTNING built for the Phoenix R/C simulator. These two plane have been featured during sneek peek appearance in social media, forum, reddit and on my social channel too so i guess i've you've been following the development by know you've known how it would look like and seen few video clips of their
flights. These models are spawn off-spring from my original project the VF-4(G) LIGHTNING III published few weeks back at my project site. Both planes are available under under downloadable one zip package which only available exclusively at my Blog site here. Be sure to read the installation manual at my project site before use. Enjoy!
- Gallery details: MACROSS VF-4 Lightning III all alternative variants
- Download: MACROSS VF-4DX Lightning III 'Max & Milia Jenius'