I think its about time for me to coach some new parents how to raise their young ones especially those 5 to 10 year old because this generation they seems to be lack of 'self-esteem' or lack of confidence to explore the world around them. I used to have this workshop for youngsters build models and craft related to aviation hobby but i must say they all seems lack of 'self confidence' in all activities...they just give up easily. All they did in the class was straight away pull out their smartphone and watch Youtube videos and 'Pew Die Pie'...that was my face palm moments not even a carrot would satisfies their rewards. However they seems to be jumpy on trampoline or running around with their peers since they have endless of energy in enclosed area. Unfotunately modern parents seems to shove some books and teacher believe early education is a good start for young age while father and mother go out to work. Back in my young poor days when i was 5 years old i used to running around in my neighbourhood making new friends, jumping into dirty pond, swimming and catching fishes inside drainage, climbing trees, exploring jungle behind our house, make our own daily picnic, believing 'Bigfoot', play football with coconuts, chased by angry goose, tooling (dismantling) our parents cars and house appliances out of curiosity, catch frogs, liberating my dad's chickens, collecting seahorses (which is actually some mosquito larvae), venturing into abandoned haunted houses, hide and seek within 1km radius, hunting ladybirds, building DIY gokarts and lots. From 6.00am in the morning till 7.00pm in the evening, we're all covered with dirts, soots, very smelly and growling tummy from running into wild outdoors all day. As usual we got rewarded with mighty whipped from long nasty garden hose on our legs and butt by our asian tiger mom. Even after we got slashes of pain on our legs and butt the fun and daily discovery outdoor was worth it....and so it becomes our daily routine until we have thicker skin, lol!! For modern kids all this crazy routine we're doing sounds like fictional adventure book. Yeah! we're some young rascal and bratty well known kids around the neighbourhood...was. Being energetic, daring, young not knowing the consequences on the outside world teach us a lot how to earn some confidence, gain self esteem, be adventurous and most importantly never give up when trying out new things with just bare hands. Parents should let the kids go out make friends with neighbours, go
outdoors more often under the sun and not to feed them with modern gadgets enclosed with all four walls and roof because its life is too short to be young, curious and energetic. If they missed this stage then depression and lack of confidence sets in. Once they learning some new experience through some outdoor interaction they pretty much understand how the world works. Just like new born kitten sniffing around and exploring their new environment then later rolls and purrs in excitement!. I'm glad my childhood was awesome. Even in my 40's i still carry on that young wishdom i used enjoy when i was just knee high. That's how i got my creativity, inspiration and being adventurous from. Anyways i just came back from exploring the hills and valleys on my bike few hours ago, enjoyed awesome views.