Was bored so i tried out one of my long lost skills i remembered i used a lot back in the 4x4 EVO era during my college days and then applied to current models. It kind of adding this ageing looking surfaces, scars, scratches or what people may called 'weathering' texturing effect by tooling around with my paint program without fancy digital pen to make it work although i do have one on my work table but not a WACOM stylus. After 30 minutes i got it working and applied to my new livery design on VFX-21R aka YF-21 variant. Yes! i produces a valkyrie fighter
that looked like it just came back from war as if the same way you'd air brushed those weathering aesthetics on actual plastic war model. Pretty neat! Btw the new 'Grim Reaper' livery on VFX-12R is now available for free download for Phoenix R/C too.....oh yes like i mentioned before on previous blog post you'll need to 'Where's Waldo' again. Yes i hid the download somewhere in my projects site. Happy treasure hunting!