Well today our country started to implement MCO (Movement Control Order) as a method of "Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases" to control spread of COVID-19 pandemic (Corona virus) diseases from spreading among the public. Its a major headlines for our country and a law to abide. So by now everyone are to be confined and restrict themselves from moving out from the house except if need to go out buying essentials like foods. All companies are directed to momentary close down till 31th March and required staff to work at home. Its also Global movement to control and contain the spread of this disease. Today i start to work at home communicate with staff and office work through online. Thanks to internet we don't have to move around to work and get food. I think this is a good move to introduce future of working remotely at home thus reduce cost. We have food delivery services and video conferencing to get intouch with work place and love ones. Well time to do something usefull at home and try out new cookings too. Looks like i have to restrain myself going out for cycling, flying and other outdoor R/C hobby. More likely you'll see more video of indoor R/C models in action soon.