Hey there! Happy belated 2023 and also Happy Chinese New Year. Since late last year and this month i have been enjoying lots of 'me' time and also went on vacation travelling to meet family and friends after long years of setback causeIMG 20230121 201845 by global Covid-19 pandemic. Its great to reunite with love ones from far away and at the same time travelling seeing new places. You'll find me a lot on my Twitter account post for quikies. As for what ever projects i've planned on both my website i've decided to tone down a bit so i can enjoy more 'me' time; the older i get the more i enjoyed being out there. Ah yes! i'm sure you've seen my new acquired R/C models in my hangar and some active flights this season. No worries i'll be back posting projects articles and stuff once i'm done. Go out and play!